CDI 2.0 add the capability of firing an CDI event asynchronously, this will free the client from long-awaited blocking request.
Create a simple backing bean.
Copy @ ViewScoped
@ Named ( "eventBean" )
public class EventBean implements Serializable {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger . getLogger ( EventBean . class . getName ());
@ Inject
Event < Message > event;
private String message;
private String notification;
public String getMessage () {
return message;
public void setMessage ( String message) {
this . message = message;
public String getNotification () {
return notification;
public void setNotification ( String notification) {
this . notification = notification;
public void fireEvent () {
LOG . log ( Level . INFO , "fire event async..." );
event . fireAsync ( new Message( this . message ) )
. thenAccept ((m) -> this . setNotification (m + " was sent" ));
public void fireEventOptions () {
LOG . log ( Level . INFO , "fire event async..." );
event . fireAsync (
new Message( this . message ) ,
NotificationOptions . builder ()
. set ( "weld.async.notification.timeout" , 1000 )
. build ()
Copy @ ApplicationScoped
public class EventHandler implements Serializable {
public static final Logger LOG = Logger . getLogger ( EventHandler . class . getName ());
public void onMessage (@ ObservesAsync Message message) {
LOG . log ( Level . INFO , "observes event:{0}" , message);