In before posts, we have already use @Inject to inject CDI beans into the Controller class. In fact, MVC embraced CDI internally.


There is a new CDI compatible scope named RedirectScoped introduced in MVC 1.0.

A bean annotated with @RedirectScoped annotation can be transferred between two requests, conceptly, it is similar with JSF Flash.

The AlertMessage is an example.

  1. Declare a bean with @RedirectScoped annotation.

     public class AlertMessage implements Serializable {}
  2. Inject it into a Controller class.

     AlertMessage flashMessage;
  3. Access the bean properties in the view via EL.

     <c:if test="${not empty flashMessage and not empty flashMessage.text}">
         <div class="alert alert-${flashMessage.type} alert-dismissible"
             <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"
                 <span aria-hidden="true"><![CDATA[&times;]]></span>

It is easy to understand the code snippets.

AlertMessage is a RedirectScoped bean, which means it is can be access in current request and the next request. It is named with CDI @Named which indicates it can be accessed in view via EL by name flashMessage.

MVC Event

MVC defined a series of CDI compatible events, with which you can track the MVC request lifecycle.

MVC provides a MvcEvent interface as the base of all events in MVC, there are several specific event implementations.

  • AfterControllerEvent

  • AfterProcessViewEvent

  • BeforeControllerEvent

  • BeforeProcessViewEvent

  • ControllerRedirectEvent

MVC itself will fire these events in the request processing progress, you can observe the events via CDI @Observes.

public class MvcEventListener {

    @Inject Logger LOGGER;

    private void onControllerMatched(@Observes BeforeControllerEvent event) { -> "Controller matched for " + event.getUriInfo().getRequestUri());

    private void onViewEngineSelected(@Observes BeforeProcessViewEvent event) { -> "View engine: " + event.getEngine());

    private void init() {
        LOGGER.config(() -> this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " created");

Source codes

  1. Clone the codes from my GitHub account.

  2. Open the mvc project in NetBeans IDE.

  3. Run it on Glassfish.

  4. After it is deployed and running on Glassfish application server, navigate http://localhost:8080/ee8-mvc/mvc/tasks in browser.

Last updated

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