The Java SE support in weld is now standardized, it is useful when you want to get CDI support out of Java EE application servers.
Given a simple CDI bean.
Copy @ Named
@ ApplicationScoped
public class Greeter {
public void say ( String name) {
System . out . println ( "Hi, " + name);
You can start CDI SeContainer
like this.
Copy SeContainerInitializer initializer = SeContainerInitializer . newInstance ();
try ( SeContainer container = initializer . initialize ()) {
assertTrue( container . isRunning()) ;
Set < Bean < ? >> greeters = container . getBeanManager () . getBeans ( "greeter" );
assertTrue( greeters . size() == 1 ) ;
There is a try-resources
statement, SeContainer
is a AutoClosable
and can be closed automatically at the end.
To bootstrap CDI container for Java SE, you have to add the following dependencies in project.
Copy <dependency>
Weld also provides some simple APIs to bootstrap a CDI container.
Copy Weld weld = new Weld() ;
try ( WeldContainer container = weld . initialize ()) {
Greeter greeter = container . select ( Greeter . class ) . get ();
assertTrue(greeter != null ) ;
You can utilize Weld APIs to modify beans in the CDI container lifecycle.
Copy @ Test (expected = UnsatisfiedResolutionException . class )
public void bootWeldSeContainer() {
Extension testExtension = ContainerLifecycleObserver . extensionBuilder ()
. add ( afterBeanDiscovery((e) -> System . out . println( "Bean discovery completed!" )) )
. add ( processAnnotatedType() . notify ((e) -> {
if ( e . getAnnotatedType () . getJavaClass () . getName () . startsWith ( "com.hantsylab" )) {
e . veto ();
. build ();
try ( WeldContainer container = new Weld() . addExtension (testExtension) . initialize ()) {
Greeter greeter = container . select ( Greeter . class ) . get ();
//assertTrue(greeter == null);
In the above codes, it vetoes Greeter
bean in processAnnotatedType
phase, the later bean select operation will cause an exception UnsatisfiedResolutionException
Grab the source codes from my GitHub account, and have a try.